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For all of you out there who are stuck with a desktop at school and want to be able to access your information and files at home, here is a good solution. Many people use software in order to access their desktop at work or at school. There are many programs out their that can do this, like TeamViewer, but what about those teachers who want something a little more concrete. Sometimes the software to view your desktop at work is just to slow, or maybe you do not even have an internet connection. So what can you do? How about if you could take your whole desktop home with you! You can do this with the help of a mobile external hard drive. In my particular case, I have used the Seagate FreeAgent. This a wonderfully small and mobile external hard drive that can easily hold over 300 GB of memory. If you have one of these wonderful machines, you can simply put your entire operating system on them! This works perfectly with Linux Ubuntu, a free operating system with thousands of free programs and software that fits your needs. The database for the free programs has hundreds of educational tools. So what happens when you install Ubuntu on to your external hard drive? Well, this means that you can run your desktop or laptop straight from the mobile external drive! Some of you may be asking what you do about files you need to save or programs you need to download and run? Simply stated, the hard drive with the operating system on it will save files onto it just like it would a normal computer. All of your files, programs, and everything else will be able to go with you. So basically, after you install the system on to your hard drive, you can run it on any PC desktop! When you are at school plug it into your computer and use it throughout the day as your main work computer. When you go home, simply unplug the hard drive and take it with you. You can open it up on a computer at home and it will appear exactly how it did at school! Below I have attached useful links for those wishing to pursue this further!
Go here to find a Seagate external hard drive
Go here to get the Ubunu operating system. It is FREE!
Go here to find directions for installing Ubuntu on to your external hard drive
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