Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Higher thinking technology

Gimp logo at
There are a lot of technologies and programs out there on the internet. Many of them are excellent sites for student learning and thinking. There are a couple of programs and websites out there that are of particular interest to me as a future educator. Both of these programs require higher order thinking skills and would take their place near the top of most educators thinking pyramid. They are and Gimp. is a website that allows students to create an online poster with images, text, audio, and video that best expresses their view on a topic. Gimp is a creation tool that you can download from the internet. This is a free photo editing tool that rivals programs like Photoshop. This allows students to create and edit photos or media in a way that expresses their learning. In order to edit and change these photos students need to use higher order thinking skills in order to alter, change, or create images. Here are the links to these websites: and Enjoy!  To the right is an example of a glog that I created about the Battle of Actium in Ancient Rome!

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